The most prominent achievements of the Kingdom

Realizing the vision to empower and develop the military industries sector

The strategy of the military industries sector in the Kingdom is based on three main pillars that define the tasks of the sector.

military technologies

The Military Technology Development pillar aims to build national capabilities to support future plans to advance modern and advanced military industries in the Kingdom. After a comprehensive review of the sector’s needs, priority technologies were identified to stimulate human capital development processes.

Military industries

Through the military industries pillar, the Authority seeks to localize this sector in the Kingdom, as the Authority aims to reach a localization rate of more than 50% of the Kingdom’s spending on military equipment and services by 2030.

Military procurement

The Military Procurement Pillar, through its close work with local bodies concerned with the military and security sector, aims to enhance procurement operations by achieving efficiency in spending, ensuring that industry remains a priority for industries, and supporting the capabilities of local manufacturers.

The most prominent achievements of the Kingdom

Contribute to the enhancement of the military industry in the Kingdom

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